Just help me cover the shipping and handling costs and we'll deliver Stand The F*ck Out to your doorstep.

No catch: I just want to get my book in the hands of as many people as possible, you know?


I want to get my book in the hands of as many people as possible... I hope this offer will convince you of giving it a go.


If the book doesn't give you the practical guidance expected, I'll refund what you paid for shipping and handling.


This book has been reviewed by experienced marketers—no fluff.


There's no catch: I just want to get my book in the hands of as many people as possible.

I believe Stand The F*ck Out is an honest, actionable, and entertaining account of what it really takes to stand the f*ck out, written for folks who are f*cking SICK of being lied to.

If this sounds like you, I hope you'll consider reading it. And, if you've found it helpful, maybe you'll talk about it to a friend or colleague.

I'm just asking you to cover shipping & handling so we don't go bankrupt.

You're right, most marketing advice is vague, shady, and super boring. When I started working on the book three years ago, my aim was to write something that I really wanted to read. Something that's actionable, simple, and fun.

And I knew I needed help. So I invited 70 seasoned marketers and business owners to rip it apart. Without their 5,000 comments and reactions (!) across three versions of the manuscript, this book would have been... bleh. Thanks to their help, I can honestly say it's not bleh anymore. But, please, see for yourself. And if you're not happy with the book and/or training materials, just get in touch and I'll refund you.

I hate marketing, too! I mean, "bullshit" marketing... The shady, unethical, annoying kind. If you have a conscience, want to grow your business, and feel overwhelmed by marketing bullshit, I hope you’ll still give it a go.

The ones who need the methodology the most and will get the most from it are:

Marketing business owners. You want to grow your creative business and help your clients stand the f*ck out. I’m loosely using the term “creative business” to include ad/digital/social media agencies, PR firms, consulting practices, and so on.

Marketing executives. You’re working in a high-pressure environment where you’re expected to deliver much more with far less. You must prove your worth to shareholders, bosses, or teammates, almost every day.

Reluctant marketers. You’re a creator, founder, or small business owner who didn’t set out to be a marketer. Yet you find yourself creating a “lead magnet” to grow your email list, maintaining a content calendar for your “socials,” and learning copywriting from a 19-year-old YouTuber.

But please don’t put the book down if you don’t fit neatly into these categories. Over the years I’ve seen this methodology benefit gelato makers in Saudi Arabia, physiotherapists in Québec, and real estate agents in Ireland. So, in short, if you have a conscience, want to grow your business, and feel overwhelmed by marketing bullshit, I hope you’ll still give it a go.